Chrissy Roshak

I'm an artist at heart, formally trained in both painting and art history. Drawing on my art background proves invaluable in graphic and web design, especially when it comes to shaping layouts and applying color theory. I love digging into the details whether it's editing images in Photoshop, writing Schema Markup to improve SEO, or differentiating the content of an email marketing campaign for segmented audiences. Diversity & inclusion are close to my heart. Throughout both my teaching career and now my marketing career, I aim to make sure my work mirrors the communities I serve. I believe in the power of representation, so I'm intentional about using inclusive language and selecting images that reflect the diversity around us. Currently, I'm using my design skills to link Puget Sound job seekers with opportunities to fuel their career growth and write their own success stories. Outside of work, you'll find me painting, gardening & running.

Image shows diverse workers smiling and stacking their hands in camaraderie. Text reads: Talent Shortages in the Puget Sound: Practical Solutions for Employers. All StarZ Staffing.

Talent Shortages in the Puget Sound: Practical Solutions for Employers

Sign Up | Sign In Chrissy Roshak Marketing Manager       In today’s competitive job market, businesses in the Puget Sound region, particularly in light industrial and hospitality sectors, encounter major challenges in finding and keeping skilled talent. In this post, I’ll explore three key issues and offer practical solutions for business and HR […]

Talent Shortages in the Puget Sound: Practical Solutions for Employers Read More »

Image shows a table with a cutting board and cooking ingredients, including fresh herbs, sifted flour, white chocolate wafers, berries, brown sugar on a wooden spoon, and nuts. Pine branches and cones are also decorating the table. Text reads: Holiday Recipes, Staff Favorites. All StarZ Staffing.

Holiday Recipes: Staff Favorites

Sign Up | Sign In ‘Tis the season to be jolly, and at All StarZ Staffing, we’re spreading the holiday cheer in the most delicious way possible! Our team is coming together to share their favorite holiday recipes, bringing warmth and joy to your festive celebrations. From savory delights to sweet treats, our staff has

Holiday Recipes: Staff Favorites Read More »